First Draft Of Logo Sketches

I begin this '2020 Makes Me Wanna Holler' series by creating a logo. The logo sketch on Row B3 is the one I ended up fleshing out more. After the first round of critique, instead of drawing the COVID-19 virus, I went for a different approach.

Second Draft Of Logo Sketches

​​​​​​​I splashed ink onto a piece of paper to create the next draft of logos. At this point, I wanted the logo to represent how messy the year was for many people. I play around with how I wanted to incorporate the paint splatter. After the second round of critique, I combined ideas from Row A1 and Row B3 in the next draft of logos.
Here is the paper with splashed ink. I then vectorized the image in Illustrator and picked the splatter shape I liked the most for the logo.

Third Draft Of Logo Sketches

In the third draft, I showcase the logo using a font and handwritten text. In some iterations, I played with the sizing of each letter. For the final critique, I chose the logo on Row B3 for the project series. Below is the logo in use. Click on the image to read more about each project.

Poster Design

Book Design

COVID-19 Infographic

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