Menu Front Cover Final

The first thing I do is determine the type of food I want my restaurant to serve. I decided soon after that it would be a casual dining restaurant that serves vegan dishes. Next, I moved on to coming up with a name for it. As I was brainstorming ideas, I thought about a stereotype that some people have about vegans and vegetarians only eating salads. I wanted the name to take inspiration from that. After coming up with a few different ideas, the name I thought reflected that the best is 'More Than Just Salads.'

Logo Sketch

Logo Final

In the early stages of coming up with a logo, I was going to incorporate a salad bowl with the name. Instead, I decided to keep it simple and have the logo in handwritten text.

Inside of Menu Sketch

Supporting Illustrations Sketch

Now it’s time to come up with a design for the menu. Before I even start designing, I think about the dishes, desserts, and drinks I want the restaurant to be serving. I do a little research beforehand on the kinds of food vegan restaurants typically serve and their prices. In each category of the menu, I include a supporting illustration. 

Menu Front Cover Sketch 

Next, I move on to the front cover of the menu. In the back, I feature More Than Just Salads' opening hours. The girl and boy characters below serve as mascots. As they open the menu, a speech bubble featuring a few of the restaurant's dishes surrounds the logo.
After that, I come up with a color palette. Since the restaurant is all about serving organic vegan dishes, I picked colors that can be found in vegetables and fruits. Once I have everything figured out, I bring the menu sketches into Illustrator and InDesign. After a couple of rounds of revisions, the final design of the menu is complete.

Menu Front Cover Final

Inside of Menu Final

Finally, once I have a solid foundation for the look of my restaurant, I go on to design other elements like a website that is also mobile-friendly and matching food containers. 

More Than Just Salads Website

More Than Just Salads Mobile Website

More Than Just Salads Food Containers

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